Southowram Surgery Planned work notification
We would like to notify and make patients aware of planned works we have starting at our Southowram Surgery site. We are completing some works to upgrade the roof as well as investing into renewable energy as we make our Southowram Surgery site more sustainable and environmentally friendly into the future.
Works are planned to start from the end of next week (week commencing 27th March 2023) and will be continuing throughout April. This will mean a reduction in the number of parking spaces available during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time but it is necessary to ensure the safety of patients, visitors and contractors.
We have other upgrades planned over the coming months across all our sites inclduing Rosegarth and Siddal Surgeries, we will keep you updated of these closer to the time.
Thank you for your ongoing support and patience whilst these important works are ongoing.