Active Calderdale: Park Ward
Active Champions
We’re looking to recruit more Active Champions across Calderdale, particularly Park Ward and surrounding areas. Do you know someone who wants to make a difference, develop their skills and be part of a voluntary team? Please see attachment for more details.
Community Panel
We are looking for volunteers to be part of our Active Park Ward Community Panel. The panel will review and discuss funding proposals for the area amongst other responsibilities which can be seen in the attachment. The closing date is Friday 21st June.
Junior Parkrun Takeovers
Is your group/organisation up for a Parkrun takeover at People’s Park? This would involve encouraging young people within your organisation to take part in the event and get involved yourself, whether its also taking part or volunteering on the day. Please get in touch for more details of how this can benefit your organisation and those who you support.
St Augustine’s Open Day
Please see attached details of St Augustine’s open day, which has lots of activities going on, for free!