Updates from West Yorkshire ICB
Non-emergency patient transport
Following a national consultation and review of criteria for non-emergency patient transport services by NHS England, the eligibility for transport for some patients is changing.
To help with how these changes in national policy are implemented in West Yorkshire, the ICB (as commissioners), working with NHS Yorkshire Ambulance Service, is undertaking an involvement exercise to understand how local patients currently travel to medical appointments in their day-to-day life, and what they would do if their current method of transport wasn’t available.
To gather this feedback a survey has been created and is open for all West Yorkshire patients to have their say. The closing date for this survey is Sunday 13 October 2024.
People representing interested groups can contact us to arrange for colleagues to come and talk to you and take their views. Please see attached or visit our website Non-emergency patient transport :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership (wypartnership.co.uk) to find out more.
Locala health visiting survey.
Locala would like to hear from parents and carers. They want to know if the Health Visiting service is meeting the needs of parents and carers in our area.
Access the survey via the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/qgrWTrkwY4.